New Call Quality Monitoring Form Available for Download

13/04/2015 17:16

Call Centre Helper has produced a new, free and downloadable Quality Monitoring form.

We’ve been busy working on our call quality monitoring form to make it easy to adapt, and be able to include both yes/no-type questions and rate-scoring questions.

This is a simple Excel spreadsheet, containing no macros, and there’s no password needed if you want to change and adapt the form for yourself.

Download the call quality monitoring form

You will find 3 worksheets inside this spreadsheet.

There’s the main “Form” where the questions are answered. Here there’s space for agent details, 10 yes/no-type questions and 10 scoring questions.

All the questions and options used by the form are contained in the worksheet “Options”. Here you can choose the exact wording to appear in each dropdown, e.g. Yes/No could just as easily be True/False. You can set your own questions to be answered by overwriting the example questions and they will automatically pull through on to your form.

In addition to the examples installed on the form, we have included a list of other questions that we know are popular and that you may want to use. As the questions on the form are answered, scores accumulate to show a final percentage score and a message. You can easily change the thresholds and the message to be displayed.

If a user determines a question to be ‘not applicable’ then the maximum score for this question is set to 0 so that not answering the question doesn’t affect the final rating, otherwise Yes/No-type questions score 1 for Yes, 0 for No out of a maximum of 1. Rating questions score from 1 to 10 with a max score of 10.

For convenience, the scores are totalled separately on the “Scoring” worksheet. You can either leave this alone, and have a clear view of the current scores, or you can adapt it if you wish so that different scoring rules are applied.

We hope you find this spreadsheet useful and a good start for your own forms. If you do adapt it, please consider sending us a copy so that we can share changes and improvements with the Call Centre Helper Community.

Leave any questions or comments below. We’ll answer them for everyone and make any updates as needed.

Download the call quality monitoring form


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